Thursday, January 29, 2009


So, im not a fan of my blog. I keep trying to convince myself to keep it, but my life is so lame from day to day that I really haven't gotten that much to write about. I remember the days of xanga and how much i wrote on that thing - man, i was a bloggin' fool! haha - now, i feel like a lone ranger in a world full of babies and photography gurus. 

I will keep it, cause like i told my dear (ex) co-worker, the day i deleted that xanga a wave of regret hit me so hard, i felt like i had just thrown away 3 years worth of journals! So no matter how lame it is right now, im hoping for more to start going on in my life - and i think either way, one day i'll look back and laugh at these random entries. :) besides - its a good way to share a little bit of me with you  - even if it is rare and sometimes slightly boring! haha

As for today - Im going to go walk around the mall with Topher and Ryan. Woooo

Oh and im on the last Twilight book - (finally) and i can't even begin to express to you how much i hate this series! lol Loved the first book and kinda liked the second, the third got a little old and now the fourth is just twisted and dragging on for eternity! I think Bella Swan is so dumb. She should have been with Jacob to start with. Just a little thought of mine. As soon as this series ends, im not sure i'll ever start something i dont want to finish again (as far as books are concerned). haha

miss and love


Mac Girl said...

ahh- I love reading your blog and you are never boring. Just write about how your day is going. The weather. How bored you are. I don't care, just write. Love you!

Julee said...

I agree...I wanted Bella to be with Jacob as well!! Keep your blog! I love all your pics on facebook just add some of those on here when you cant think of anything to write about. :)

carozza said...

since when do you have trouble POURING your heart onto the pages? haha you better keep it and start putting more on here. i agree with julee... put some of your facebook pics on here. you have plenty!!!!!!!

The Walkers said...

OK you are crazy- Bella and Edward belong together!!! I have to admit that I read all 4 books in like 7 days just to get it over with, and halfway through book 4 it got stupid and I wanted to quit. But I had devoted so much time to finding out what happened, I couldn't quit then! Keep reading and keep blogging. I am a fan of yours ;). And your ever so talented sis Dayle hooked me up with a new header today if you have time to check it out!